A revolution is happening.
Education will never be the same again.

Imagine having a private instructor for your teaching platform, 24 hours a day, every day, who learns from your lessons, how you teach, and can address any questions about the content.
I'm EMY!

An artificial intelligence built by educators. Trained with your content. It's ready for you to use it in the best way possible.

The education market is the one that will be most transformed by artificial intelligence.
Now is the time for you to get ahead.

How does it respond to questions?

EMY can see and hear your content.
That's why it responds assertively with the quality of your lessons.

What are people saying about EMY?

Companies that trust our work:

+100.000 users connected to EMY

Students using EMY are 30% more satisfied.

Increase engagement

EMY can show the content that your user is searching for but struggling to find.

Just ask

There's no need to set the scene, EMY will understand your question.

Plug and Play

With a one-day setup.

AI is up and running

Over time, there have been historical milestones that shaped the course
of humanity.

Industrial Revolution

Revolução Digital

Artificial Intelligence

Inteligência Artificial

Digital Revolution

We are experiencing another big milestone in history
Now is the time for you to get ahead!

Why EMY?


Real-Time Knowledge

EMY answers questions in real-time, understands what's on the screen, and has immediate integration.



Students using EMY are up to 30% more satisfied. Additionally, and 3 out of 10 students use AIs in their study routines according to Google.


Always Available

It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer questions and provide assistance to the user.


AI is up and running

We are experiencing another historical milestone, and if you want to ride alongside innovation, EMY is for you.

"As a entrepreneur, I know the challenges of the tech market and as an educator, I understand the struggle of maintaining engagement. That's why we created EMY."

José Messias Jr., CEO of Cubos Academy

Obtenha mais informações

Converse com os nossos consultores para:
Garantir Bolsas de Descontos
O material completo do Curso de Programação
Respostas para suas perguntas via WhatsApp ou telefone
Informações relevantes sobre oportunidades de carreira e o mercado
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Join the revolution in education!

Leave your contact in the form below and be part of the biggest revolution in the education market in recent years.

Changing people's lives
through education

We live in a time of constant transformation. Every day brings
a new way of thinking and doing what has been done in a certain way for decades. We believe in education as a transformative element, and in this process, the essential
raw material is not machines but people.

It is people who can build this new world, with more opportunities and more talent for the market.
Cubos Academy is born with this objective: to train new
talents connected with the demands of the technology field.

José Messias Jr.
CEO of Cubos Academy
Cubos Academy in the Brazilian Press:

Formato do Curso

Curso Síncrono

Curso Síncrono com Turma. Tenha encontros ao vivo com acompanhamento em tempo real dos nossos instrutores e da Emy, nossa IA personalizada.

Duração: 6 meses + 625 horas
Metodologia: LiveHelp
Seg à Qui: 18:30 às 21:30
Emy Inteligência Artificial

Curso Assíncrono

Após a formatura, você terá acesso a mais 12 meses de aulas assíncronas para aprofundamento dos conhecimentos e se tornar um programador cada vez mais capacitado para o mercado de trabalho.

Acesso: 12 meses + 124 horas
Masterclass com Especialistas
Aulas Gravadas
Emy Inteligência Artificial

All the benefits of being a Cubos Academy partner.

Dedicated support team and proprietary technology.
Plug and Play: with a one-day setup.
Custom chat widget.
Expertise in the education market.
AI training with content available on the platform.
Dashboard with usability metrics, user queries and satisfaction.

Any questions?

How long does it take between integration and use on my platform?

With a one-day setup.

What is Emy?

EMY is a virtual instructor powered by AI, functioning like a private tutor who is already familiar with all the lesson content. She can see everything on the screen and hear everything said by the teacher, enabling her to address doubts and assist students based on the lesson material. She responds to students in real-time, using clear and concise language, even if the question has not been contextualized, which enhances accuracy and usability.

Is Emy secure?

Yes, the data that Emy learns is used only to answer questions and find content for your user while they are on your platform.